Privacy policy.

We will not pass on any of your details to any third party and will contact you only in relation to the specific purchase you are making. If you choose to subscribe to our newsletter email service you will receive periodic emails detailing new products and services and special offers. You may unsubscribe from this service at any time by logging on to your account and unchecking the relevant tick box.

This site uses cookies - a technology that allows us to store information - but we use them only in order to store details of your purchases as you progress through the transaction process.



What data do we collect, what do we do with it and what are your rights?

We only collect data that is necessary to enable us to process an order you are placing and to determine and enable us to comply with HMRC regulations. We store your name, billing address, delivery address, telephone number (if provided) and email address in accordance with these. This data is stored electronically in our e-commerce database and is always password protected. Our newsletter is sent, by email, to users of our web site who have expressly signed-up to receive it, either via the home page form, or by ticking the opt-in box while placing an order. We will never use your email address without your express permission or sell or share your email address with any third party.