About me.

After graduating with a degree in Film, Photography, and digital media in the mid-90’s (according to one national newspaper the degree that leads to the lowest paid and least useful members of society) I spent several years having fun in the dotcom boom, developing interactive digital media and building web sites for cool people and corporates. A move to rural Suffolk to escape the city in the early 2000s, was followed by nearly twenty years running small on-line retail sites, and I found myself coming out of the first Covid lockdowns with almost-grown offspring and an urge to find a new creative outlet. A need to make actual objects, and to create things that are both useful and beautiful. Coincidentally, a close friend was also shifting direction and opening a pottery school…

Within a matter of weeks, under the excellent tutelage of Nancy Main, I was hooked on making cups (and the occasional tea pot, vase, and noodle bowl) and spent the next year setting up a studio space, and immersing myself in the dark art of glaze development (between taxiing teens and skateboarding while waiting for teens).

I work mainly with stoneware, and like to think that the vessels I produce are practical objects and beautiful to look at and hold.