I’ve been running this squarespce shop for over a year, and I have been maintaining another shopify shop, for more than 10 years. I have written apps for shopify, and I have made many changes and improvements to front and back ends of www.meadowyarn.co.uk.

My main passion and purpose is to make cups and I needed a place to sell them, and squarespace has a great set of features and templates that makes that process simple. It is however, sometimes tricky to get it to work the way you want. Sometimes you need a little help, sometime you just might not have the time.

Do you want to send email campaigns from your own domain?

Do you want larger arrows to page between photos?

Maybe its a setting somewhere you can’t find and its an easy fix.

I have a pricing structure to make it easy for you to get some help.

Simple fixes: £25.00

Hourly Rate is £50. So if you need a more complex solution I’ll give you an idea of cost, and it will not go over that amount, If its fixed quicker than I expect the cost is less. Most issues are solved with in a few hours.

Contact me via info@chrispennyceramics.uk I’m in the UK so 9 - 5 uk time will normally result in a fairly quick response.

Do you need help with setting up an online shop?